Tag: education

Learning Through War: The Refugee Children of Syria, Croatia and Beyond

Zagreb, Croatia, 9/29/2015 All month long, the Syrian refugees have been flooding my news feed and TV screen. I have a strong need to leave the political aside, to see them for who they are: humans. A World At School website says: Children trapped in conflict zones are the...

Why Should You Invest in Early Childhood Education?

Election season is just getting started and the likes of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are starting to make noise with their idea about how to “fix” America. In the coming months we are going to hear a lot from them about jobs, taxes, and education. Some...

What Batman, Swearing, and Cigarettes Can Teach Us About Reading

The Batman movie came out in 1989 when I was eight-and-a-half-years old. I didn’t know who Batman was, but I saw the commercial and knew it was very important I see it. My parents were unsympathetic. It’s rated PG-13 for a reason, they said, and I cried in the...